The Lucky Winners

The Lucky Winners

March 10th, 2015

We had nearly 200 fantastic entries in our photo contest.  We loved seeing all of your memories from your time at the ranch.  As we expected, it would have been impossible to choose just one favorite photo from each category.  All of our entries were placed in a hat and the lucky winners were drawn out.

throwing horseshoeI am sure that Brenda B. is not the only one who has fond memories from a lively game of horseshoes at our meadow BBQ.  We go out to the meadow every Sunday for lunch and Wednesday for dinner.  The experience would not be complete with out a fun game of horseshoes.  The horseshoe champions often get a Rankin Ranch mug, but I think the bragging rights among family and friends might be worth more than any prize we could give.  Congratulations Brenda!  You are the lucky winner of the drawing for a $500 gift certificate for a ranch stay during our 2015 season for our “Iconic Ranch Memory” category.

Rankin Ranch Barn and CorralsAs many of you mentioned in your entries, it is difficult to take a bad picture at the ranch.  There are so many breathtaking views while horseback riding, hiking, or simply relaxing outside your cabin.  We feel fortunate to enjoy this beauty everyday and also to be able to share it with you while vacationing at the ranch.  This view captured by Christy M. and is one that you all enjoy as you head down to the corral for your horseback rides.  Congratulations Christy!  You are the lucky winner of the drawing for a $500 gift certificate for a ranch stay during our 2015 season for our “Beautiful Ranch Scenery” category.

swimming pool Rankin RanchOur photo contest would not have been complete without a category for the kids.  We had about 35 entries in this category and I think it is safe to say that Anna W. enjoyed her time in the swimming pool at the ranch.  Her dad snapped this shot during their father daughter trip to the ranch last summer.  This photo makes me want to jump in the pool!  Congratulations Anna!  You are the lucky winner of the drawing for a Rankin Ranch Goody Bag for our “Kid’s Favorite Photo” category.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our photo contest.  We truly enjoyed seeing your photos and the memories that you cherish from your time at the ranch.  We hope to see you again during our 50th guest ranch season which begins on March 27th.